At UMFK, we know what it takes

Are you looking to advance in your current career, returning to school after taking a break, or wanting to switch to a new career path? Maybe you jumped right into a job after high school and are ready for a change. No matter the reason, UMFK understands that pursuing a degree as an adult learner can be a challenge.

Did you know that you might have already earned college credits? Specific credentials, licenses, or training may equate to college credits. Learn more about how your prior learning experience can give you a head start.

UMFK offers online programs, certificates, and courses that increase the opportunity for adult learners to earn a degree.

There are many scholarship opportunities to help you pay for classes. Scholarships like the Adult Completion Scholarship and the HOPE scholarship can help you financially.

UMFK will make your enrollment, registration, and onboarding easy. Our staff is here to guide you through the process, answer questions, and offer you support.

What Adult Learners Say about UMFK

Adult students are particularly satisfied with the accessibility of academic support systems.

What UMFK Has to Offer

  • Tutoring, academic resources, and remediation are easily accessed and conveniently available for adults.
  • Faculty and staff are appropriately responsive when adult students request assistance.
  • Flexible, accessible academic resources help adult students stay on track while considering their unique scheduling needs.
  • Ensuring academic support services are available at a distance.
UMFK Alumni Leroy McKenzie


Average age of a UMFK student


Online programs offer flexible learning opportunities

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Turn work experience into college credits