Musical Roots Presentation

The Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes at the University of Maine at Fort Kent will host a presentation entitled “Mūzikas Saknes – Musical Roots” by UMFK Professor of Music and Education Dr. Scott Brickman on Thursday, February 1st at 6 p.m. at the Acadian Archives. The presentation is free and open to the public.

During UMFK’s academic year 2022-2023, Dr. Brickman was on sabbatical – documenting, researching, and participating in Latvian musical culture.

Come and listen to Dr. Brickman share his experiences in Latvia during his sabbatical. He will, in his characteristic idiosyncratic and informal way, sing Latvian songs, talk about his Latvian ancestry, and transmit all that he can about the vibrant musical and cultural life of this wonderful country.

“From the beginning, the Acadian Archives has been a site of cultural education and cultural encounters,” explains Archives director Patrick Lacroix. “With Scott’s presentation, we will be invited to learn about a small community half a world away and reflect on our own.”

For more information, please contact Acadian Archives Director Patrick Lacroix at (207) 834-7536.

The little-known country of Latvia, formerly part of the U.S.S.R. and along with Estonia and Lithuania, one of the three Baltic States, is roughly the size of West Virginia and has slightly less than 2 million people. Latvia has an incredibly rich and varied musical culture.

Pediatric Health Fair

Two nursing students speak to a group of elementary school students during the 2023 pediatric health fair
UMFK Nursing students Cady Hebert and Allee Morgan speak with children at the UMFK Pediatric Health Fair on December 1st.

On December first, the University of Maine at Fort Kent nursing department hosted a Pediatric Health Fair at the UMFK Sports Center. Over four hundred and fifty children from surrounding communities, kindergarten to grade six, attended the event, which showcased thirty-six booths of varying health and wellness topics appropriate for children.

The booths were led and developed by nursing students and community organizations. Each student worked with a field expert to guide them in the right direction for the latest and most up-to-date information for that particular discipline. These collaborators helped students engage in professional communication, interdisciplinary teamwork, and networking.

Elementary school student Charlotte Nadeau practices paddling a kayak
Charlotte Nadeau was one of the students who attended UMFK’s Pediatric Health Fair on December 1, 2023. She was practicing paddling a kayak as part of the booth facilitated by Lugdon Lodge.

Many of the booths were interactive, providing a quick learning activity run by nursing students to engage the children, with the added bonus of allowing elementary teachers a well-deserved break. With two tracks and students rotating through each booth every 4.5 minutes, booth facilitators were able to capture and maintain the children’s attention on each topic to provide meaningful health education for the students of the St. John Valley.

“Our nursing students put a lot of time, effort, and energy not only into their projects but also in meeting with their professional collaborators to present evidenced-based materials that met Maine State Learning requirements for our elementary school educators as well,” said Stephanie Nadeau, UMFK Clinical Placement & Testing Coordinator, adjunct faculty, and organizer of the event.

This was the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic that the university hosted the event.

“It was so nice to have people back on the UMFK campus and to watch the nursing students interacting with the pediatric population,” said Nadeau, “The smiles were endless!”

The event provided meaningful contact hours for UMFK Nursing students and addressed professional collaboration, health education, and interaction with the pediatric population. It allowed students to explore the importance of being nurse educators for patients, whether it is for the community, a single patient, or a larger entity like the school-aged population. It also provided area children a fun and interactive way to learn important health information. There was even a surprise visit from Benny the Bengal.

”The event was a great success and had a huge impact on the students and the pediatric population,” said Nadeau.

To learn more about UMFK’s Nursing programs, visit the Nursing program page.

MHEAF Scholarship Awarded

Group photo taken November 8, 2023, as the MHEAF Scholarship was awarded to Maddix Corriveau.
(front row, left to right) Shannon Ludgon, UMFK Development Officer; Deb Hedeen, UMFK President; Josh Steirman, Maine Bankers Association Director of Government Relations; Maddix Corriveau; Bobby Pelkey, TD Bank in Caribou and Fort Kent Store Manager; Pam Ashby, UMFK Chief Business Officer; and (back row) Dr. Michael Curran, UMFK Assistant Professor of Business.

The trustees of the Maine Higher Education Assistance Foundation (MeHEAF) are pleased to announce the awarding of a scholarship for $1,200 to Maddix Corriveau of Madawaska. Maddix is a junior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management at the University of Maine at Fort Kent, where he maintains a high grade-point average.

Josh Steirman, director of government relations of the Maine Bankers Association, made the presentation to Corriveau on Wednesday, November 8th, on the UMFK campus, with members of UMFK faculty and staff and a local bank representative.

Maddix is a 2021 graduate of Madawaska Middle/High School and currently works as a member sales associate at Norstate Federal Credit Union in Madawaska. He previously worked as an associate and assistant department manager at Paradis Shop ‘N Save in Madawaska for four years and as a UMFK work-study student in the Humanities Division.

The Higher Education Assistance Foundation (HEAF) was founded in the 1950s by a group of banks, businesses, community organizations, and individuals. Now administered by the Maine Bankers Association, the Foundation annually awards scholarships to students with a business-related major at select Maine colleges to Maine high school graduates. It has awarded more than $440,000 since 1990. This year, to reflect the increased cost of education, the scholarship has been increased from $1,000 to $1,200 per award. The students receiving scholarships were selected by their departments on the basis of their academic excellence.

MeHEAF has given thirty-four scholarships to UMFK students to date. UMFK also has a plaque with each student’s name and year awarded, which the University displays in the Grindle conference room located in Cyr Hall.

La Frontière

The Archives acadiennes/Acadian Archives will sponsor a screening of La Frontière, a documentary film on the border regions of Maine, at the University of Maine at Fort Kent on Friday, November 17th at 7 p.m. in Nadeau Hall conference room. The event is free and open to the public.

La Frontière is a documentary film portraying slices of life in northern Maine’s borderlands. This beautifully shot 35-minute film takes viewers on an intimate tour of the culture of the 611-mile border between Maine and Canada. The film is a must-see for cinema connoisseurs and anyone hoping to see northern Maine through a different lens. The film was screened at last year’s Camden International Film Festival in Midcoast Maine.

La Frontière was produced by Katy Haas and Megan Ruffe. A graduate of Smith College, Haas attended the Burren College of Art and the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies. She was a co-producer with Florentine Films, a creation of Ken Burns, on Benjamin Franklin (2022), as well as an associate producer on the series Country Music (2019) and an apprentice editor on The Dust Bowl (2012). Ruffe studied film and geography at Penn State University. She, too, has worked on a number of Florentine Films series and, with a small team, is developing UNUM, a new digital project that uses Florentine’s library to bring historical context to current events. La Frontière also features cinematography by Lindsay Taylor Jackson and Jared Ames.

“We’re very grateful for the filmmakers’ willingness to share their work with our community,” said Patrick Lacroix, director of the Acadian Archives. “Katy and Megan offer us new ways of seeing and understanding our borderland region.”

A question-and-answer session with the producers will follow the screening. Snacks will be available for attendees.

For more information, contact Patrick Lacroix at the Acadian Archives at (207) 834-7536.

Fall 2023 Open House

The University of Maine at Fort Kent will host its annual fall Open House for prospective college-bound students on Friday, November 3, 2023, to give everyone a chance to experience campus life.

Registration and a Student Fair will be held from 8:15 a.m. to 9 a.m. at the University’s award-winning Enrollment and Advancement Center. A light breakfast and refreshments will be served. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the student services that UMFK has to offer. Representatives from various offices will be available to answer questions on topics ranging from residential life, career planning and placement, and financial aid.

At 9 a.m. in the Nadeau Hall conference room, the morning session will begin with an opening welcome and remarks from UMFK’s Admissions staff, followed by a panel presentation by current students who will talk about UMFK’s campus life.

Prospective students will learn more about the academic programs held at various classrooms on campus from 10 to 10:45 a.m. The talented faculty, who foster academic excellence in the learning environment, will show students and families how learning comes alive at UMFK. There also will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions that can assist them in their educational goals.

Sodexo will serve lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Nowland Hall, the newly renovated dining hall. UMFK student Admissions Ambassadors will lead campus tours during this time to see the campus and meet with staff.

People can register online at

Please R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, October 31st. For more information on the UMFK Open House, contact UMFK’s Admissions office at (207) 834-7600 or send an email to

Literary Awareness Events

The University of Maine at Fort Kent English faculty have planned a Train of Events each day, from October 11th through October 15th. Faculty, staff, students, and community members are encouraged to participate in various Harry Potter books and literacy awareness readings that are scheduled to take place after the University’s fall break, both on the UMFK campus and in the local community. Each event will include a drawing for a book gift certificate.

Professor Cannon Becker said, “Formerly known as Harry Potter Book Night, the internationally celebrated event is now Harry Potter Book Day. That day is Thursday, October 12th, but we wondered, why stop with one day?”

A series of events will give more people a chance to participate in the celebration of literacy, enjoying different flights of the imagination through readings of literature that build upon the use of imagination and help continue to increase literacy awareness.

The first Train of Events stop is scheduled at UMFK’s Blake Library from 2 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11th. Cannon Becker said, “Costumes are not required, but you certainly may wear one if you wish. I will be dressed as Professor Minerva McGonagall for these events.” Anyone may join us here and bring something to read or to have someone else read for you. Suggestions are “spooky” poems or excerpts of longer works.

The second Train of Events stop is scheduled to take place on Harry Potter Book Day, Thursday, October 12th, at Fort Kent Elementary School at 1:30 p.m. Professor Cannon Becker will read a children’s book called “Feathers: Not Just for Flying,” by Melissa Stewart and illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen. Cannon Becker said, “This is a science book about how feathers have many uses aside from helping birds take flight. I hope to give each of the students a little feathered boost of confidence, knowing that they can do many things and are learning more each day. I hope they will also keep their imagination strong.”

The third Train of Events stop is scheduled to take place on Friday, October 13, in UMFK’s Bengal Student Center from 2 to 4 p.m. Similar to the first event but focused on UMFK students, student volunteers are invited to read some of their favorite pieces, including excerpts of longer works, poems, song lyrics, or original work they have written themselves. As usual, costumes are fine but not required. Additionally, both books and movies may be discussed.

The fourth Train of Events stop is going to be held at noon at Fort Kent Public Library on Saturday, October 14th. This event is open to the public, where attendees may read along with the English faculty, being mindful of the ages in the audience when selecting material to read. Professor Cannon Becker says, “I will probably read excerpts from the Harry Potter books and a brief selection from Mary Stewart’s The Little Broomstick.”

The fifth Train of Events stop is going to be held at First Mile Brewing Company at 1 p.m. on Sunday, October 15th. Enjoy a brew – Harry Porter, Butterbeer Selzah, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available. This is where the Train of Events stops, but all are encouraged to stay on board and keep sharing a love for reading, especially the Harry Potter Book Series. Professor Geraldine Cannon Becker said, “Here, we will wrap up this Train of Events, share some highlights, and plan for next year. We’d love to see you. Get on board!”

For more information on the Train of Events, please contact Professor Cannon Becker at

Darrell McBreairty Exhibit

The University of Maine at Fort Kent Blake Library Gallery will feature a collection of photographs entitled, Friends & Family by UMFK alumnus Darrell McBreairty during the month of October.

Friends & Family is a collection of color prints from transparencies and negatives shot by McBreairty over several decades.

McBreairty completed classes in portraiture and commercial photography at the New York Institute of Photography in Manhattan in 1970 and has had a number of exhibits in different locations over the years.

In addition to his work as a photographer, McBreairty has published a number of books available at Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing online.

The exhibit may be viewed during UMFK’s Blake Library hours. For more information on the exhibit or library hours, please contact Gallery Curator Sofia Birden at 207-834-7527.

2023 Business Breakfast

The University of Maine at Fort Kent Board of Visitors is encouraging the public to attend a Business Breakfast that will take place on Friday, September 22nd, at 7:30 a.m. in the Nadeau Hall conference room on the UMFK campus.

Panelists for the event will be Duane Belanger, UMFK Assistant Professor of Nursing, and Dr. Erin Soucy, Dean of Undergraduate Nursing and Associate Provost.

The panelists will discuss how the UMFK Nursing Program is expanding to enhance the nursing workforce training with its new Immersive Interactive Simulation Center. This is the first of its kind in New England.

A tour of the immersive simulation center will be available after the presentation.

The state-of-the-art center will provide UMFK nursing students with hands-on clinical training to develop the skills necessary to facilitate positive patient outcomes without risk. It includes Immersive Interactive software featuring 360-degree projections on classroom walls and floors, allowing students the benefit of virtual reality educational experiences, complete with smells, sounds, and tactile stimuli. The center also includes high-realism manikins to resemble interactions with real patients. UMFK’s immersive simulation center is the result of a grant written by Belanger and funded through workforce development funds through the Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan (MJRP).

Tickets for the breakfast are $12.00 and can be purchased by credit card online. The deadline for registration is Thursday, September 14, 2023.

Please contact Lisa Roy at (207) 834-7504 or email at for more information.

Dr. Rachel Albert Honored

Photo of Doctor Rachel E. Albert, nursing professor and outstanding alumni award recipient. She is seated in front of a set of white bookshelves dressed in black.The University of Maine at Fort Kent Alumni Association will host its Homecoming Brunch at 11 a.m. on Sunday, September 24, 2023, at the Sports Center during the University’s annual Homecoming Weekend.

The brunch tickets are $10 per person. The public is encouraged to attend the Homecoming Brunch.

At the brunch, the Alumni Association will honor and recognize the 2023 Outstanding UMFK Alumni Award recipient, Dr. Rachel E. Albert, from the graduating class of 1985.

The selection as this year’s Outstanding Alumni is based upon a nomination received, “Dr. Rachel E. Albert embraces her roles of teaching, scholarship, service, and practice wholeheartedly. While Dr. Albert excels in so many areas, she strives for continuous improvement, always reflecting and examining her own efforts and setting new professional goals. Her commitment to the success of UMFK’s nursing students is invaluable. Further, she is committed to the success of UMFK’s nursing program and campus as a whole. Her contributions to the nursing program are substantial and outstanding.”

In addition to her many years of dedicated service to the campus community academically, Dr. Albert held administrative positions, such as Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Faculty, and Executive Director of Planning and Assessment, to name a few. Continuous commitments and contributions to the St. John Valley, Aroostook County, and the state of Maine, such as being a member of the Leadership Team for Closing the Gap, Social Determinants of Health Acceleration Plan; Chair and member of the steering committee of the Aroostook Public Health Council; Board Member of Fish River Rural Health; corporator for Northern Light Health; and team leader and evaluator for the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.

Dr. Albert graduated from UMFK, earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She earned her Master of Science in Nursing in 1990 and a Ph.D. in Nursing Science in 2001.

She has over 30 years of experience in higher education at UMFK. Currently, Dr. Rachel E. Albert is a Professor of Nursing and Allied Health and teaches undergraduate and graduate online courses in Healthcare Research and Evidenced-Based Practice, Transcultural Nursing, Ethics and the Law, Integrative Nursing Practice, Ethical Leadership, and Global Health.

During the brunch, the alumni present from the following classes will be recognized: 1943, 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003, and 2013.

You may purchase your ticket(s) online through the Homecoming Events Registration page or by contacting Shannon Lugdon at (207) 834-7800 or by email at

Deadline to purchase tickets is Friday, September 8, 2023.

The Alumni Association is pleased to welcome you to the UMFK campus for the 2023 Homecoming Weekend taking place on September 22nd – 24th. We hope you will also join us on the UMFK campus for a weekend of celebration and fun activities that include UMFK Bengals soccer and volleyball games and special events. All alumni, students, family, friends, and community members are invited to attend.

Michael Simon Field Lighting

The University of Maine at Fort Kent proudly announces the dedication of its newly lit soccer field, the “MICHAEL SIMON FIELD.”

Please join us for a special Light the Field event on Friday, September 22, 2023, beginning at 4:00 pm at Michael Simon Field. This will kick off UMFK’s Homecoming Weekend and will feature the Fort Kent Community High School Warriors playing a double-header, with the first game beginning at 5:00 pm.

Festivities will include activities to suit all ages and interests. There will be inflatable bouncy houses, obstacle courses, and field games, and a quiet play area will be available for children and the young at heart.

The public is encouraged to attend, and the first 300 people who check into the event will receive $10 food truck vouchers!

Lighting the UMFK soccer field has been a top UMFK capital priority for years. Michael’s brother, Jamil, funded the project in memory of his late brother, Michael Simon, and the field has been renamed for Michael Simon. Michael, who passed away last June, was beloved on the UMFK campus and in town and was a Fort Kent resident for almost 40 years.

The “Light the Field” event is an opportunity to remember Michael and celebrate the caring bond between him, UMFK, and Fort Kent at large. The official dedication will take place during halftime. UMFK’s soccer teams will take the field along with Athletic Director Carly Flowers, UMFK President Deb Hedeen, and UMFK Foundation President Stephanie Chick to raise a toast to Michael Simon. In honor of Michael’s love of the color red and Diet Coke, giveaways will feature Diet Coke, red drink koozies and cups, as well as many glow-in-the-dark and light-up toys.

Please join us for this event to honor Michael as UMFK celebrates having lights for the first time on the Michael Simon Field.

For information regarding the dedication and to register for UMFK Homecoming events, please go to the UMFK Homecoming webpage or call Shannon Lugdon at 207-834-7800.