Christmas Tree Sign Up

Visit Behavioral Science Club outside the lair to sign up to buy gifts for young children and wards of the state.

Diamond Dot Keychains – Art Night


Join student activities in creating your own holiday-themed diamond dot keychains.  Paw Points: 100

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact

SAB Bingo

Nadeau Teleconference Room

Join SAB in 7 rounds of Bingo! Paw Points: 400

Where is Benny

Please join Res. Life in finding several Benny images which will be hidden around campus and with certain staff members. Students will be able to retrieve Benny and return them to me in exchange for prizes.

Mindfulness Coloring

Come join Res Life in Crocker Common Room and take a break to color with us as we talk about the resources we have on campus that are readily available to you during finals!