Diamond Dot Kit


Please join Student Activities in Student Affairs for a Diamond Dot kit that will come with everything you need to complete the project! Varying themes and sizes are available, while supplies last. 100 paw points

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact alayzia.johnson@maine.edu

National Hot Chocolate Day


Visit us in Student Affairs to try one of a variety of flavors of hot chocolate! While supplies last. 100 paw points

Cheer Practice

Please join Cheer Club for weekly practice Mondays and Wednesdays in CYR 205. If you are interested in joining, please contact alayzia.johnson@maine.edu

Mario Kart Racing

Please join Res. Life to have fun and race your friends in the Lodge Lobby.

Dr. Scott Brickman to present on his music and Latvia entitled “Mūzikas Saknes – Musical Roots”

Acadian Archives Fort Kent, ME, United States

The Acadian Archives/Archives acadiennes at the University of Maine at Fort Kent will host a presentation entitled"Mūzikas Saknes - Musical Roots" by UMFK Professor of Music and Education Dr. Scott Brickman on Thursday, February 1st at 6 p.m. at the Acadian Archives. The presentation is free and open to the public.During UMFK’s academic year 2022-2023, […]

Mūzikas Saknes – Musical Roots (Scott Brickman)

Acadian Archives Fort Kent, ME, United States

The little-known country of Latvia, formerly part of the U.S.S.R., and along with Estonia and Lithuania, one of the three Baltic States, is roughly the size of West Virginia and has slightly less than 2 million people. Latvia has an incredibly rich and varied musical culture. During the academic year 2022-23, Scott Brickman was on […]

Wear Red Day Photo Opportunity: Bengal’s Lair at 10 a.m.

Bengal's Lair

Love your Heart on National “Wear Red Day” UMFK community will join the American Heart Association’s fight against heart disease. By wearing red to work that day, you can help the AHA raise awareness of cardiovascular disease and empower them to reduce their risk.  A photo will be taken at 10 a.m at the Bengal […]

Art Night – Crochet


Join Student Activities in the Lair to crochet! Instructions will be provided, while supplies last. 200 paw points

Give Your Crush a Crush

Join Residence Life at the student affairs window to give your crush a sweet treat.