Early College at UMFK
Early College career pathways are the gateway for students to explore career paths while earning credits for a specific major or course of study at UMFK.
Each of our online pathways is a concentration in individual areas combined with essential general education requirements.
Set up an appointment with our UMFK Early College staff to discuss career pathway options, and discuss any questions about the career pathway structure and registration process.
Email umfk.earlycollege@maine.edu to schedule an appointment, or to get more information about our Early College pathways. You can also click on the picture tiles below to see which courses are strongly recommended if you are interested in starting your educational pathway for specific areas:
If you are looking to apply for just individual courses, please simply apply for a course through your ExplorEC Early College student portal.
Margaret Guimond
Director of Early College
(207) 834-8605
Jessica Wishart
Administrative Assistant
(207) 834-7564
Margaret Guimond
Director of Early College
(207) 834-8605
Jessica Wishart
Administrative Assistant
(207) 834-7564