Dr. Kennedy “Ned” Rubert-Nason is chemical ecologist with a Ph.D. in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008) and a B.S. in Environmental Chemistry from the University of Virginia (2002). He co-founded the Inclusion section of the Ecological Society of America, served as a Howard Hughes Teaching Fellow, is a consistently published author, and loves doing all things outdoors. He uses a critical pedagogical approach to empower future healthcare workers, Earth stewards, leaders and makers through collaborative hands-on learning experiences.
Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Casper,A.M.A.; Jurjonas, M.; Mandeville, C.P.; Potter, R.; Schwarz, K. Ecologist-community partnerships: An imperative for building resilience to global change threats. Rethinking Ecology. 2021, 6, 65-92.
Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Lindroth, R.L. Causes and consequences of condensed tannin variation in Populus: A molecules to ecosystems perspective. In: Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research, Vol. 7. Wiley-Blackwell. 2021.
Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Lindroth, R.L. Analysis of condensed tannins in Populus spp. using reversed phase UPLC‐PDA‐(−)esi‐MS following thiolytic depolymerisation. Phytochemical Analysis. 2019, 30, 257-267.
Couture, J.J.; Meehan, T.D.; Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Lindroth, R.L. Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and tropospheric ozone on phytochemical composition of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2017, 43, 26-38.
Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Couture, J.J.; Gryzmala, E.A.; Townsend, P.A.; Lindroth, R.L. Vernal freeze damage and genetic variation alter tree growth, chemistry, and insect interactions. Plant, Cell and Environment. 2017, 40, 2743–2753.
Couture, J.J.; Meehan, T.D.; Rubert-Nason, K.F.; Lindroth, R.L. Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and tropospheric ozone on phytochemical composition of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera). Journal of Chemical Ecology.2017, 43, 26-38.
Seyfried, E.E.; Newton, R.J.; Rubert, K.F.; Pedersen, J.A.; McMahon, K.D. Occurrence of tetracycline resistance genes in aquaculture facilities with varying use of oxytetracycline. Microbial Ecology. 2010, 59, 799-807.
Rubert, K.F.; Hedman, C.J.; Guo, T.; Pedersen, J.A. Influence of MnO2 on the transformation of oxy- and chlortetracycline in pond water. In: Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment. American Chemical Society Symposium Series 1018. 2009, p. 45-65.
Rubert, K.F.; Pedersen, J.A. Oxidative transformation of tetracycline antibiotics by a hydrous manganese oxide. Environmental Science and Technology. 2006, 40, 7216-7221.
Scholarship: Understanding and managing global change impacts
Dr. Rubert-Nason engages teams of undergraduate students in cutting-edge research and service learning relating to global change ecology through paid and volunteer opportunities. Recent sponsors include the Maine Economic Improvement Fund Small Campus Initiative (MEIF-SCI, $130,000, 2020-2022), University of Maine System Program Innovation Fund (UMS-PIF, $149,617, 2020-2022), and the Way Forward / Bringing Theory to Practice ($7000, 2021-2022).