Paul Buck is located at 120 Powell Hall. You may contact Paul by phone at (207) 834-7563 or by email at
Research Interests
- Book Review (authored in French), Atlas historique du Québec : la Francophonie nord-américaine (Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013) in Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française, 67(2) (Fall 2013): 233-236
- Dissertation (Ph.D. — History of Canada and the United States), “L’identité et l’altérité dans les programmes et quatre œuvres didactiques d’histoire du Canada destinés aux écoles secondaires de langue française du Québec : 1955-1967,” University of Maine, 2008
- Article co-authored with Marc Collin, Jocelyn Létourneau, “Integrating Quebec History into the Curriculum” in Quebec Studies 41 (Spring-Summer 2006): 99-115.
Distinctions & Associations
- Passed U.S. Foreign Service Officer Test (on first attempt) — 6/2009
- Fulbright Student (Canada – U.S.), Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec & Université Laval (Dissertation Research) — 9/2006 – 6/2007
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, University of Maine — 4/2003
- Phi Alpha Theta International Honor Society in History — 5/2002
- Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education, University of Maine — 9/2001 – 5/2006 & 9/2007 – 5/2008
- Fulbright Classroom Exchange Teacher, Lycée Galandou Diouf, Dakar, Senegal — 9/1997 – 7/1998
- Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Saint Lawrence University — 5/1991
- International Study in Russia at Voronezh State University (Воронежский Государственный Университет) through Saint Lawrence University (American Collegiate Consortium) — 9/1991 – 7/1992
- International Study in Québec at Université Laval through Saint Lawrence University — 9/1989 – 5/1990
- Faculty Scholar, Saint Lawrence University — 9/1990
Scholarship (Interviews, Presentations, Publications & Related Activities
- Newspaper Interview (in French), “L’Acadie du Maine,” Bobby Therrien, Acadie nouvelle, March 3, 2024
- Podcast Interview (in French), “Traverser les frontières linguistiques : une conversation avec le professeur Paul Buck sur l’identité, l’histoire et le bilinguisme,” Révolution bilingue (43), Fabrice Jaumont, Ph.D., February 1, 2024 (article),–58503549 or (podcast)
- Presentation, “The Treaty of Washington (1842) and Maine’s Northern Border: The Conjuncture of Cartography, Culture, and Commemoration,” 26th Biennial Conference, Association of Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS), Crystal City, Virginia/Washington, D.C., November 16-19, 2023
- Keynote Presentation, “Cartographic Perspectives of Maine Statehood through the Prism of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842, Plus Personal Reflections on the Significance of Domestic and International Borderlands: Languages, Societies, and Cultures,” Maine Archives & Museums Annual Conference, University of Maine at Presque Isle, October 13, 2023
(This presentation begins at 13:15 after clicking the link below.)
- Presentation (in French) with Robert Daigle, MAT, French Teacher, Fort Kent Community High School, “La Francophonie du nord du Maine (du Madawaska américain) d’hier et d’aujourd’hui : regards cartographiques sur la frontière, la culture acadienne de la région et l’évolution du français,” American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Annual Convention, Trois-Rivières, Québec, July 23-26, 2023
- Workshop Attendee (Professional Development – French as a Second Language), “Familiarisation à la méthodologie de l’enseignement du FOS (Français pour opérations spécifiques) appliquée à différents domaines et professions,” University of Southern Maine, Portland, May 30-June 2, 2023
- Presentation, “Contemporary Considerations of the Treaty of Washington (1842) and Maine’s Northern Border: The Conjuncture of Cartography, Culture, and Commemoration,” American Council for Québec Studies (ACQS) Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October 20-23, 2022,
- Presentation for Maine Humanities Council (MHC), Musée culturel du Mont-Carmel, Lille, Maine, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” August 18, 2022 (This presentation was under the auspices of MHC’s “Maine Speaks” program. All MHC presentations were in person unless otherwise stated. Here is my page on MHC’s website – )
- Radio Interview (in French), “Des nouvelles d’Acadiens vivant aux États-Unis en ce 4 juillet,” L’heure de pointe Acadie, Société Radio-Canada/CBC, July 4, 2022, or
- Presentation for MHC, Thompson Free Library, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” May 26, 2022
- Presentation for MHC, Lincoln Historical Society, Lincoln, Maine, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” May 21, 2022
- Presentation (Zoom) for MHC, Old Berwick Historical Society, Berwick, Maine, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” March 24, 2022
- Presentation, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” St. John Valley Senior College, UMFK, September 21, 2021 (This is an adaptation of my previous Maine Humanities Council presentation on this subject.)
- Presentation, Parsons Memorial Library, Alfred, Maine, “Franco-American Migrants and Acadian Culture,” July 17, 2021
- Presentation (Zoom) for MHC, Parsons Memorial Library, Alfred, Maine, “The Webster-Ashburton Treaty and the Northern Border,” June 19, 2021
- TV News Interview (in French) on the events of January 6, 2021 in Washington, Le Téléjournal Acadie, Société Radio-Canada/CBC, January 7, 2021, 6:00 PM (Atlantic Time) (begins at 22:06)
- TV Interview, WAGM, Throwback Thursdays, January 29, 2020 (This interview aired the next day and was about the northern border of Maine still in dispute at the time of Maine statehood in 1820. Unfortunately, this interview has been lost and is not available on WAGM’s website.)
- Presenter/Facilitator, Maine Humanities Council (MHC), Let’s Talk about It series, “Violence and Belonging: The 14th Amendment in American Literature,” Long Lake Public Library, St. Agatha, Maine, January-May 2020 (This series involved researching, then reading and discussing five works of literature related to the theme above with community members. Unfortunately due to COVID, only the first three of the five meetings took place.)
- Sabbatical, Research on the Conjuncture of Franco-American & African-American Culture in Southern & Central Maine (1875-1900) and on the Cartography of the Webster-Ashburton Treaty in Northern Maine, Archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and Osher Map Library, Portland, Maine, Fall 2019
- Presentation for Maine Humanities Council (MHC) at Musée culturel du Mont-Carmel, “Maine: 200 Years of History? An Examination of Borders, Loyalties, Cultures, Communities, and Conflict”, June 6, 2019 (This presentation was in front of the full Board of Directors of MHC with members of the general public.)
- Peer Reviewer, Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française,one article (Franco-American history), January 2018
- Presenter — Maine Humanities Council, Maine Speaks program, “Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842) and Maine’s Northern Border,” June 2021-present —
- Conference Attendee — Clair2017: Voir l’éducation autrement, Clair, New Brunswick, January 2017 —
- Radio Interview (live) — Perspective (Historical and Present) on the U.S. Presidential Inauguration, Le Réveil Nouveau-Brunswick, Société Radio-Canada, January 20, 2017 —
- Radio Interview (live) — Perspective (Historical and Present) on the Results of the U.S. Presidential Election, Le Réveil Nouveau-Brunswick, Société Radio-Canada, November 9, 2016 —
- Radio Interview (live) — Roundtable on the U.S. Presidential Election, Le Réveil Nouveau-Brunswick, Société Radio-Canada, November 8, 2016 —
- Conference Attendee — Clair2016: Voir l’éducation autrement, Clair, New Brunswick, January 2016 —
- Conference Attendee — Clair2015: Voir l’éducation autrement, Clair, New Brunswick, January 2015 —
- Conference Presentation — “ Les perspectives multiples de la conscription pendant la Grande Guerre analysées dans quatre ouvrages didactiques de l’histoire du Canada destinés aux écoles secondaires françaises et catholiques du Québec de 1955 à 1967,” Conference of the American Council for Québec Studies (ACQS), Montréal, October 2014
- Conference Attendee — L’Acadie dans tous ses défis : débats autour de l’Acadie en devenir, Congrès mondial acadien 2014 (CMA 2014), Université de Moncton, campus d’Edmundston (UMCE), Edmundston, New Brunswick, August 2014
- Conference Session Moderator — “Bilan des travaux du Groupe de recherche en patrimoine religieux acadien de l’Université de Moncton, campus de Shippagan : de nouveaux chantiers,” L’Acadie dans tous ses défis : débats autour de l’Acadie en devenir, CMA 2014, UMCE, Edmundston, August 2014
- Book Review — Atlas historique du Québec: la Francophonie nord-américaine (Québec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013), Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 67(2), Fall 2013
- Conference Presentation — “Les grandes migrations entre le Canada français et la Nouvelle-Angleterre exposées dans quatre ouvrages didactiques de l’histoire du Canada destinés aux écoles secondaires françaises et catholiques du Québec de 1955 à 1967,” Conference of Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française (IHAF), Rimouski, Québec, October 2013
- Conference Presentation — “Le dernier programme d’histoire du Canada aux écoles secondaires catholiques et françaises du Québec approuvé par le Département de l’Instruction publique : un moment charnière d’avant le Rapport Parent,” Conference of Canadian Historical Association (CHA), Waterloo, Ontario, May 2012
- Conference Presentation — “L’identité et l’altérité dans quatre ouvrages d’histoire du Canada utilisés aux écoles secondaires françaises et catholiques du Québec de 1955 à 1967 : le cas de l’Acadie,” CHA Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 2011
- Conference Presentation — “Une francophonie continentale? Le cas des ouvrages didactiques d’histoire du Canada des années 1955 à 1967 au Québec et le cas du territoire du Madawaska d’aujourd’hui : clarté et ambiguïté,” Conference of Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, May 2010
- Journal Article — Marc Collin, Jocelyn Létourneau, and Paul Buck. “Integrating Québec History Into the Curriculum,” Québec Studies 41 (Spring-Summer 2006): 99-115
- Conference Presentation — “Les questions de la langue, du littéraire, et de la création de l’histoire à partir de la Révolution tranquille – perspectives, analyse et évolution,” Conference of American Council of Québec Studies (ACQS), Québec City, November, 2004
- Conference Presentation — “La conjoncture de l’histoire, de la langue et de la littérature pendant la Révolution tranquille : trois auteurs exemplaires,” Conference of Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS), Portland, Oregon, November 2003
Educational Background
- Ph.D., University of Maine (Orono, Maine), History (Canada & U.S.), 2008
- M.A., Middlebury College (Middlebury, Vermont), Spanish, 1997
- B.A. (Magna cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa), Saint Lawrence University (Canton, New York), Canadian Studies/Multilanguage (French – language of concentration, German, Russian), 1992
- H.S. Diploma with Advanced Academic Certificate, Annapolis High School (Annapolis, Maryland), 1987
- Language Proficiency (ACTFL Standards): English; French (distinguished); Spanish, Russian, German (superior); Catalan (advanced – reading only); Wolof (intermediate)
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Teachers of French
- American Council of Québec Studies
- Association for Canadian Studies in the United States
- Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS)
- Canadian Historical Association/Société historique du Canada Institut d’histoire de l’Amérique française