Housing & Residence LIFE at UMFK
Deciding what to bring to campus can feel stressful. We want to help you make your room feel like home. In addition, we want to simplify the process, so we’ve provided a list of the essentials and suggested items to bring – along with the things you need to leave behind.
Before packing: Coordinate with your roommate — talk with your roommate to decide what you will bring. Housing assignments will be emailed to you between July 1st and July 15th.
Winters in Maine are extremely cold. Bring cold-weather essentials:
If you have a question about bringing a particular item, please email us at umfk.reslife@maine.edu or call (207) 834-7850. We are here to help!
Campus Mailing Address:
23 University Drive
Fort Kent, ME 04743
Parking permits can be purchased online through the campus portal. Permits cost $10 for your first vehicle and $2 for each additional vehicle. Permits can be picked up at the Facilities Management office.